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Can I purchase Express Shipping for a package?

Yes! You can quickly get a package delivered through either USPS or UPS. To find and compare the Express Shipping options, simply enter your package dimensions when purchasing a shipping label. You'll select the package type and then provide the length, width, height, and weight in the designated fields. The designated fields are highlighted in red in the screenshot below:


When specifying your package details, you have a couple of choices. You can click on the arrow to open the drop-down menu and pick from commonly used package options or USPS and UPS package presets.

Alternatively, if you have a unique package, select "Other Package Size" if it is a parcel and "Soft Pack" if it is a polymailer or envelope. You will need to input the dimensions and weight manually. Once you've confirmed the weight, voila! Your postage quotes will magically appear. To seal the deal, just click on the price box and the label will immediately be purchased.

Express Shipping Options

There are multiple delivery options to get your package to your customer within a 3 day period. Look for our "Fastest" Tag to know which shipping option would get the package to your customer the quickest and most affordably! 


USPS Priority Express is your secret weapon! While it's typically an overnight service, keep in mind that delivery time may vary depending on the destination. Just click on this link to dive into the exciting world of USPS Priority Express Shipping: USPS Priority Express Shipping Guidelines

There are also multiple UPS Next Day options that you can choose to ensure a quick and accurate delivery. You can check out the Ship.com UPS guide to understand the differences in these different shipping options. It's important to note that when shipping any of the UPS Air options that you are not shipping hazardous cargo such as lithium batteries, aerosol cans, or other prohibited items. Check out the UPS Express Shipping Guidelines for their 2 and 3 day options.