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Does my customer automatically get a tracking email?

Woohoo! Good news awaits! We've got your back when it comes to customer communication. Once you've printed the label, we automatically send an email to your customers. It's like magic!

We take pride in our exceptional email delivery rate. In fact, a recent analysis revealed that 99.99% of the time, tracking emails from Ship.com reach their intended recipients successfully. Pretty impressive, right? But hey, we're not perfect, and there's that tiny 0.01% chance that a customer might miss out.

How to troubleshoot

Double-check the email address: It's always a good idea to verify with the customer that you have the correct email address on file. You can verify directly on the orders page the email address the customer's tracking was sent.

Expand your order details: Click on their order and a pop-up will appear with detailed data regarding that order. Scroll down to the emails section and click on the triple dot menu. There you can see the status of the tracking email or choose "Resend" to send the tracking email again. Easy peasy, right?


Give spam & junk folders a peek: Ask your customer to check these sneaky folders for the tracking email. Sometimes it ends up there, playing hide and seek. They can also try searching for an email from tracking@mail.zensales.net. It might just pop up like magic!


Time to contact us: If none of the above suggestions do the trick, don't worry. You're not alone in this adventure. Shoot us an email at help@ship.com and provide us with your customer's name and email address. We'll jump into action and lend a helping hand!