How do I set up my Rewards?

It's quick and easy to set up your Loyalty Program for your return customers! The following tutorial will go over the different options you can set and how to send an announcement email to your all of your customers.

First you'll want to locate the Rewards page on the navigation bar on the left side of your screen. This is where you set up the program and, later, where you'll make any changes to the program. When navigating to the Rewards page for the first time you'll land on the following settings page:


You will want to choose the settings for your Rewards program located on the right side of your screen. Customize this for your business!

Choose a Start Date

This can be the same day you're setting up or up to one month prior to setting up! The start date of the program is when the system will start calculating your customer's rewards. You can also choose to start your Rewards program in the future if you'd like it to start calculating at the beginning of a specific month. Please note, if choosing a previous date to start, that the program will only include points for orders that are already imported into the system. 

Set a Goal and the Reward

The Goal for your program can be either a set number of items purchased or a specific dollar amount. If you sell a variety of priced items then you may want to give you customer a reward for every $25 spent versus the individual items. The reward can be a specific product that you sell or you can leave it open such as just a 'free gift' or '10% off your next order'! You can update the settings without restarting your program- just adjust the amount/reward and then save the changes.

Personalize it with an Emoji
Anyone can earn a star but we know you started your business for *you*! This is why we offer a variety of options in lieu of just 'points' for your customers. Let them earn 10 'rings' and then get 1 free! The emoji settings can all be set here and updated without needing to restart your program!

Rewards Started

Once you have set your program you can choose to Send an Announcement Email directly from the Rewards Settings OR you can Go to Connect to send a custom email to your customers.

Voila! You're now automatically calculating points for your loyal and repeat customers. No need to worry about keeping track of anything- just monitor your program and update your customers as needed! If you ever need to update your Rewards program just choose to "Manage Rewards" from your Rewards Page.


Cancel Rewards Program

Please note that other than the start date, you can modify your Rewards Program at any point. If you would like to clear all of your customers reward points and start fresh then choose to 'Cancel Rewards Program' at the bottom of the Settings page. Since this does delete all of your current settings and customer points we will save that data so you can choose to restart it if needed.