PayPal order importing via CSV

To import your PayPay orders into , you'll need to export a CSV from PayPal.

Exporting a CSV from PayPal

Log into your PayPal account.

Once logged in, choose Activity -> and click the download button.

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 4.27.48 PM


Next, click to "All transactions" and download the statements you want from any month.

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 4.28.03 PM


Now you have a CSV downloaded to your computer.

This is the file you will upload to You do not need to modify this file in any way - will filter out all of the existing orders when you import.


Uploading your CSV to

In your desktop app, go to the "Manage Orders" tab on the left. Next, click on the Upload CSV tab and then choose the CSV file that was downloaded in the previous step.

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 5.14.48 PM


When the sync is complete, a banner will appear at the bottom letting you know there are new orders available. Click the Update Orders button on this banner to see your new orders.