How do I manage my Loyalty Program?

Ready to dive into the world of rewards? Just click on the Rewards page located in the left Navigation Bar.

Behold! You've arrived at your very own Rewards Dashboard, where all the magic happens. Take a peek at your Rewards details, see which incredible gifts your customers earned, and keep an eye on those customers who are oh-so-close to scoring a gift of their own.

And hey, don't forget to manage your reward program and keep your notifications fresh. It's like a rewards wonderland! Keep reading to find some of the most commonly asked questions about the Rewards tool and learn how to manage it.

How do my customers sign up for the program?

Good news! Your customers do not have to go through a sign-up process to join our Rewards system. Simply by purchasing items from you, they are automatically enrolled in the program.

Additionally, it's worth mentioning that customers cannot choose to opt out of the program.

How do I change my program?

From your Rewards page just click to 'Manage Rewards' located in the upper right corner of your dashboard. That will take you to the Reward Settings where you can update your program, restart your program, or send an announcement email to your customers.

How can I manage the emails  for the programs?

To pause or edit any reward notifications you'll need to use the Connect tool. Check out this tutorial with directions on how to edit, pause, or update your customer's Reward notifications.

How do I know if a customer responded to a Rewards Email?

When a customer replies to an email sent through our system, you'll receive their response right in your inbox. We make sure it goes straight to the email address associated with your account, which is the same one you used to sign up.

Here's the best part: We want to assure you that we respect your privacy. We don't track or monitor these email responses through our system. It's just a direct and secure channel of communication between you and your customer. So, stay tuned to your inbox, and you'll be in the loop whenever a customer reaches out. We're here to make sure you never miss a beat while keeping your data private and secure! 👍

Can I automatically exclude certain products from counting as a point?

Currently, our system doesn't have the capability to automatically exclude specific items from being eligible for Rewards points. If you don't want certain items to contribute towards the accumulation of Rewards points, you'll have to manually adjust the points given to your customers for those items.

Is Shipping counted as a point towards my customer's total purchases?

Shipping is frequently listed as a separate line item in the system. However, when shipping is included in an order, it does not count towards the customer's total Rewards Points. It's important to note that taxes and items starting with the word "Free" are also excluded when calculating Reward points for a customer.

How do my customers redeem their reward?

When a customer qualifies for rewards, their name will be show as "Earned" on the Rewards dashboard. You can then send them a one off email or wait for them to update you they'd like to redeem their reward.

Once they are ready to receive their gift, simply click the three dot menu and then choose to "Redeem."

What does the "Send Reminder Email" button do?

When a customer is close to earning a reward, with at least 80% of the required points, they will be listed as the "Almost Earned" status of the Rewards Dashboard. By clicking "Send Reminder Email," you can easily send them a friendly reminder that they are just a few items away from obtaining their reward. This is an effective strategy to keep customers engaged and encourage additional purchases, ultimately generating more sales for your business.